The 50-starred iteration of Old Glory sits atop a hand-lettered banner celebrating One Nation Under God. This patriotic Jim Shore design shares American spirit as an accent piece in any room. Fly the colors of the nation!
The red, white, and blue of the state flag represent bravery, purity and loyalty. The five points of the star represent the characteristics of a good citizen: fortitude, loyalty, prudence, righteousness, and broadmindedness.
This miniature heart is full of love for America. Colored in the stars and stripes of the country's flag, this figurine beats with patriotism and beauty. With a billowing banner and classic Jim Shore rosemaling, it's a piece to inspire the free.
Perched on a stage of stars, this American flag painted cardinal boasts its plumage proudly with patriotism. Whistling cheerfully, striped and starred feathers distinguish the bird in shades of red, white, and blue. Freedom rings between his wings.